All email drafts that the DonorSpring team writes for you will now show up in the DonorSpring platform as a draft that you can accept or ignore.
This change will save you time and make it simpler to get emails sent! You no longer have to copy and paste DonorSpring copy into the DonorSpring editor. Instead, the email will automatically load into the email editor with links and buttons that work and your organization’s formatting, so all you need to do is give it a look over and schedule it to send.
Suggested Drafts will automatically appear in the Campaigns page alongside your other campaigns and drafts.
When Suggest Drafts "expire," they will no longer appear in the Campaigns page, but they will always be available on the new Suggested Drafts page.
The Suggested Drafts page shows all Suggested Drafts– regardless of their status– along with any campaigns that were created from a Suggested Draft.
From the Campaigns page, Suggested Drafts page, or Recommended Tasks lists you can preview and accept the Suggested Draft. The blue box at the top of the preview may also contain a message from DonorSpring containing more suggestions or context for the draft.
To accept a Suggested Draft, click the green button in the top right corner of the preview window.
After accepting a Suggested Draft it is converted into a normal draft campaign just like any other that you may have created yourself. You have full control and can change everything like audience, subject line, etc. before sending.
The email itself is fully editable, including all copy written by DonorSpring as well as the branded header and footer that were automatically inserted from Email Settings.
You can then preview your email, launch the campaign, or save it for later. If you want to quickly undo the edits you made, you have the option to restore the Suggested Draft original version.
Lastly, we've added additional safety warnings when launching a new campaign. If any unfilled text prompts are found in the email (denoted by double square brackets [[x]]), you'll receive a warning message. You can then edit the unfilled prompt or override the warning to continue launching the campaign.
Recommended Tasks
Recommended Tasks are a convenient summary of suggested to-do's that lives on your Dashboard and in your navigation bar.
Pending (aka incomplete) Recommended Tasks will automatically appear on the Dashboard. Tasks that are new since your last visit will be highlighted. Clicking a "Review a New Suggested Draft" task will take you to the preview of that draft while clicking a "Schedule Campaigns" task will take you to the "Create new Campaign" page.
Pending Recommended Tasks will also appear in the "Recommended Tasks" dropdown menu at the top of every page.
While only pending Recommended Tasks will appear in the Dashboard and dropdown menu, all Tasks are available for reference on the Recommended Tasks page.
This also includes completed and expired tasks. Tasks will automatically be marked as completed after you complete the relevant action and will automatically expire after a few weeks if not completed.
Contact Snapshot
You can now easily preview information for any of your contacts from the Donations and All Contacts pages. To access a Contact Snapshot, click the view/eye icon on the right side of the table to reveal contact information and donation history for any contact.
Email Header + Footer
We've added the ability to create optional email headers and footers in the Email Settings page where you can place your logo, signature, or other assets and text. These will be automatically injected into all your future drafts.